Am thankful to see another day and year in my life.

I glorify God for being greater to me because there are many people in this world has never seen this beautiful day it does not mean that they are not good to him,and am good to him ,the Answer is NO! NO! NO!.

I glorify God for being greater to me because there are many people in this world has never seen this beautiful day it does not mean that they are not good to him,and am good to him ,the Answer is NO! NO! NO!.
His love is fully to everyone. But I think he has something special he
wants to reavel via me, to his people and my time is still counting to
him.I think is that reason made me to see this day.
I appreciate My God for granting me, a Good Health and I beg him to make me reach 2018 safely so as I could be able to accomplish what he gave me to do in this world via Jesus names Amen.
It's me your lovely friend,
Yours in building your faith towards being successfully in your life.
-Paul Biswalo.
A Legendary Motivational Speaker In East Africa. @
(A Multi-Talented Person/A No Limit Person).
**let's meet all at the Top because is no longer crowded **
Good Morning Everyone.
Life is like a moving train with many stops.You will meet many people in your journey of life. There will be many departing never to meet again but there will never be a meeting without departing in life. Every friend ends with END.
I appreciate My God for granting me, a Good Health and I beg him to make me reach 2018 safely so as I could be able to accomplish what he gave me to do in this world via Jesus names Amen.
It's me your lovely friend,
Yours in building your faith towards being successfully in your life.
-Paul Biswalo.
A Legendary Motivational Speaker In East Africa. @
(A Multi-Talented Person/A No Limit Person).
**let's meet all at the Top because is no longer crowded **
Good Morning Everyone.

Life is like a moving train with many stops.You will meet many people in your journey of life. There will be many departing never to meet again but there will never be a meeting without departing in life. Every friend ends with END.

There are purposes and time limits for everybody you're meeting in your
journey life. Some are blessings, while some will be lessons. Some are
for the season while some are for a reason. Some will make you while
some will break you. Some are temporary, while some will be part of your
Some you wish they never leave and some you cursed the day you meet them in life. Never find your happiness in people, you will never feel sad when they decide to leave. Never feel bad when a person decides to leave you, it simply means their chapter in your life is over. A lonely life is a painful life, we will all need a shoulder to lean on at some points in our journey of life. Remember we are all something, but none of us is everything.....
Make more bridges to connect and fewer walls to protect. Show love to everyone, but be careful who you bring into your private life. Choose wisely. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. Free your heart from hatred, being positive, humble, kind and bold will help you a lot in life but don't be weak. Avoid living a painful life in other to get people's attention and validation. Those who wants to be everywhere may end up nowhere in life. To focus on the crowd is to miss the crown.
Go with your own flow, many people will roll with you when you grow in life. Be friendly but never try to be everybody's friend. The moment you decide to be everybody's friend, your value starts dropping. Avoid traffic and drama in your life. Fake things don't last avoid fake friends. Seek advice but don't ignorantly expose urself. If your dream is bigger than your environment, RELOCATE!!!!!. As you grow higher, your circle will change.
Never allow anyone to hold you down when it's time to move to another great chapter of your life. Avoid negative people if you have a dream, those without a vision will say your dream is just an illusion. You can never please the world, but after GOD, always make sure you keep at least 2 people in your journey of life. You need one while you are still alive and you need one when you are dead and gone.
This year in my life ending with higher ton. I bless the name of God.
Wishing you happiness and prosperity in the welcome of new year 2018.God bless us all.
Yours in building your faith towards being successfully in your life.
-Paul Biswalo.
A Legendary Motivational Speaker In East Africa. @
(A Multi-Talented Person/A No Limit Person).
**let's meet all at the Top because is no longer crowded **
Good Morning Everyone.
Some you wish they never leave and some you cursed the day you meet them in life. Never find your happiness in people, you will never feel sad when they decide to leave. Never feel bad when a person decides to leave you, it simply means their chapter in your life is over. A lonely life is a painful life, we will all need a shoulder to lean on at some points in our journey of life. Remember we are all something, but none of us is everything.....
Make more bridges to connect and fewer walls to protect. Show love to everyone, but be careful who you bring into your private life. Choose wisely. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. Free your heart from hatred, being positive, humble, kind and bold will help you a lot in life but don't be weak. Avoid living a painful life in other to get people's attention and validation. Those who wants to be everywhere may end up nowhere in life. To focus on the crowd is to miss the crown.
Go with your own flow, many people will roll with you when you grow in life. Be friendly but never try to be everybody's friend. The moment you decide to be everybody's friend, your value starts dropping. Avoid traffic and drama in your life. Fake things don't last avoid fake friends. Seek advice but don't ignorantly expose urself. If your dream is bigger than your environment, RELOCATE!!!!!. As you grow higher, your circle will change.
Never allow anyone to hold you down when it's time to move to another great chapter of your life. Avoid negative people if you have a dream, those without a vision will say your dream is just an illusion. You can never please the world, but after GOD, always make sure you keep at least 2 people in your journey of life. You need one while you are still alive and you need one when you are dead and gone.
This year in my life ending with higher ton. I bless the name of God.
Wishing you happiness and prosperity in the welcome of new year 2018.God bless us all.
Yours in building your faith towards being successfully in your life.
-Paul Biswalo.
A Legendary Motivational Speaker In East Africa. @
(A Multi-Talented Person/A No Limit Person).
**let's meet all at the Top because is no longer crowded **
Good Morning Everyone.